About the Platform

A Forum for the establishment of a repository about `Algae history of consumption in Europe before 15 May 1997`. This repository includes macroalgae (seaweed) and microalgae.

This Forum aims to establish verifiable evidences relating to the historical consumption of microalgae and macroalgae in Europe that can be curated by experts and support a scientific path for genera and species identifications so that a regulatory framework can be established.

This European wide Forum will require contributions that include diverse documents such as: government related information from different European countries about any algae consumption; dated pictures and movies with consumption evidences; cooking books of recipes and restaurant menus where dates and connections to algae species can be established; to accounting inventories from shop with the acquisition of verifiable algae products.

This Platform is sponsored by EABA and prizes will be awarded to all the verifiable contributions by a group of experts that include the EABA Scientific and Industrial Committees. 

For each effective contribution, EABA will offer as a Prize a participation fee for AlgaEurope 2023.

The EABA Steering Board will decide about any dispute that might exist about the attribution of the Prize. For each effective contribution, EABA will offer as a Prize a participation fee for Algae Europe 2023.

It is important to note that these Prizes do not include algae that are already approved as food and mentioned in the Novel Food Catalog.

Results from the Forum will be presented in Algae Europe.